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Welcome to our Information Page!
Below you can find anything you ever wanted to know about our classes and programs. Enjoy and feel free to email us with any questions you may have after reading through the information below at


General Information For All Students and Caregivers:


Arrival Procedure

Students in Recreational and Level I classes should arrive right at classtime or just a minute or two before. There is no need to arrive early as these young children still require constant supervision. Our teachers want to be done setting up and getting settled while students are present. Its important that our young students know they have our full attention when they are with us.

- Late arrivals beyond 5 minutes are discouraged in all classes as they are always a distraction for both the students and the teacher. At the Recreational level, students require direct instruction from the teacher in order to join a class that has already begun. This requires that class be interrupted, and in more advanced classes, late arrivals could result in injury as the dancer may miss the warm up. 

- Please always follow all parking laws and be mindful of our neighbors and others in the neighborhood. And always remember that there are lots of dancers scurrying around at drop off and pick up!

- Street Shoes should be left outside of the Dumaine studio, but can be worn into the Oak studio. Please make sure that your shoes are not blocking the sidewalk outside. Dancers are welcome to come into the studio and change into their dance shoes rather than sitting on the concrete outside. Shoes that are forgotten outside after pickup will be left outside for convenient pick up. No need to email us.

- Parents should not come into the Dumaine studio at drop off. We will welcome young children at the door and there are large picture windows so that you can see what is going on inside. Parents may walk young dancers up to the Oak studio, but parents are asked not to wait in the lobby. This area is used by multiple areas upstairs and for dancers needing to warm up before their next class. We will invite parents into young child dance classes at least once or twice a session for an informal scheduled or impromptu end of class show.

- Allow a little extra time for parking at both studios. Please always park legally and be mindful of our neighbors and the fact that young children and their families may be scurrying around at drop off and pick up. 

Pick Up Procedure 

- Please arrive promptly for pick up. If a caregiver is late more than once for pick up, the late fee is $10 for the for the first five minutes and $5 a minute every minute after that. This must be paid to the teacher in cash at the following drop off. If a caregiver is late for pick up more than twice in one session, they will be required to stay and wait within eye sight for the rest of the session. Our teachers must move onto their next class after dimissal. 

- Caregivers must exit their car and be within eye sight for pick up of students under age 10.

- Our youngest students will be dismissed one at a time from the door of the studio. When you see your little one step up for dismissal, please wave your hands and call out to them so that the teacher can see you too. We'll learn your faces and this process will become easier, but please do help us out at the start of the session. 

- Our Dumaine studio has several classes that turn over quickly, one class dismissing and the other starting at the same time. Please reserve the sidewalk on Dumaine for parents who are picking up and the sidewalk on N Hennessey for parents and students waiting to come in. This will help dismissal happen more quickly and more safely.


- Please park legally for every drop off and every pick up. Do not block traffic. Do not double park.  Do not park on corners. Be mindful of our neighbors.  Don't block their driveways. 

- Always remember that there will be other students scurrying around during arrival and dismissal so please be careful.


- Our main form of communication with parents and caregivers is email. Please make sure to read all emails sent from us. If your email address changes, make sure to notify us via email (not at drop off or pick up). If you have a question or concern please contact us through email. We are busy with our students before, during, and after classes.

- Time sensitive information such as class cancellations for inclement weather will be texted to the main phone number that you provided at registration. Please do NOT reply to group text messages. Text messages should only be used to contact us for emergency situations. All other communication should be done through email.

Zero Tolerance Policy

- City Park Movement and Art has a Zero Tolerance Policy. Children are expected to be respectful and kind to the best of their ablity at all times.

- We strive to provide an environment where everyone feels safe and welcome. Students will receive one warning for unkind or disrespectful behavior, after which they will be asked to take the remainder of the session off. No refund will be given.

- It takes everyone’s cooperation to create a peaceful and kind environment where we all feel safe and welcome. Thank you for playing your part in spreading kindness in our community!

- Expectations for students are based on age and ability. We understand that all of our student's abilities are different and this policy takes that into account. For example, we know that all of our recreational students are still learning to follow directions and take turns talking and that they may require reminders to control their bodies and voices. We strive to be an inclusive community and are always willing to work with students of different abilities, backgrounds, learning styles, etc, but we do have to make sure that all students are able to enjoy their classes and that our teachers are able to execute their curriculum. 

Pre Covid Sick Policy Still Applies

- Please keep sick children home so they can heal!

- After a sickness, your child must be fever, vomit, and diarrhea free for 48 hours before returning.

- Children under 6 with runny noses should stay home. Our teachers do not wipe noses.

- If your child has a wet cough or a cough that is worsened by physical activity, they should not attend class. 

- Do not send your child to class with a cold. To some it is "just a cold" but to others it can be more serious. Please be considerate of our community members with compromised immune systems. 

Covid Sick Policy 

- Students who have any symptoms of Covid including but not limited to runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, or extreme fatigue should not attend class.

- If a student contracts Covid, they must wait a minimum of 7 days after their positive test before returning. They must also be symptom free and test negative on a home rapid test. 

- We follow ALL CDC and Orleans Parish recommended Covid safety guidelines and protocol at all times. No exceptions.

Unexpected Closures

- When severe weather happens, we follow the same schedule as schools and camps. If schools and camps are cancelling for the day or closing early, the general rule is that we are too. An email and/or text will be sent if a cancellation happens. Classes cancelled for severe weather will not be rescheduled or refunded. 

Refund Policy

- If a student's class registration is cancelled for any reason, a 50% refund will be given ONLY IF we are notified of the cancellation 14 days before the first class. If we are notified of a cancellation less than 14 days before the first class, no refund will be given. 



Program Details - Dance & Theater

Dance - Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Modern,

Acro Dance, Lyrical, Improv, Hip Hop, Jazz Funk, and More!

Come celebrate the art and dicipline of dance with us! At CPMA we teach our dancers to respect the history and dicipline of dance while also celebrating and exploring the artistic elements of being a dancer

Our dance program is classically focused and our dancers are classically trained. Ballet is at the center of our program and is recognized as the foundation of all classical dance. We require all of our dance students to take a weekly Ballet class. In addition to Ballet, we also offer Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Acro Dance, Modern, Improv, Lyrical, Hip Hop, and more! Our choreography, music, and costumes are always age appropriate. We do not participate in competitions. We teach our dancers to only be in competition with themselves, always challenging themselves to work hard and progress becoming the best they can be. Progression over perfection always.

We encourage all ages and abilities to come explore and enjoy a dance class with us. Whether you are a curious 5 year old, a tween looking to try something new, or an experienced dance student hoping to attend a trainee program or become a professional, we have a spot for you!

Our dance department produces three dance programs a year: the original New Orleans Nutcracker in the Fall, a Spring student showcase, and a Summer dance intensive production too! We do our best to keep our performance costs to a minimum. We also put on fantastic productions that the whole family is sure to enjoy! Our shows are short, sweet, and exciting from the start to the finish. 

More information on our original dance production The New Orleans Nutcracker


Recreational Dance Classes, Classes for 3 - 8 year olds not yet in Leveled classes

These exciting introductory classes include Ballet, Tap, Acro Dance, and Jazz. Our Ballet and Tap classes are combined into one high energy class that all Recreational dancers must take. While these classes are fun and playful these young dancers are already learning and practicing skills and terminology that they will continue to use for a lifetime. Even our youngest dancers learn proper French ballet terminology, begin to practice proper posture, learn basic music theory, and so much more! We encourage our students to enroll in two classes a week! They can add Acro Dance, Musical Theater, or Jazz to their weekly schedule. Taking multiple classes each week helps develop coordination, strength, flexiblity, self control, vocabulary, confidence, peer relationships, and so much more. We strongly encourage 5-8 year olds who would like to advance into Level I classes to take 2 - 3 classes each week. Each additional class that is added is discounted - the second more than half off and the third class is discounted even more.

Recreational classes are for students ages 3-8 years old. Plese pay close attention to age minimums and necessary experience required for each class.  We want all of our students to enjoy their dance classes. We want confidence to be built rather than frustration to be felt. Enjoying class and having a positive experience is much more important then being promoted before a student is ready. We strive to create mixed level/age classes where all students get to experience being the leader and also the least experienced. The leaders build their confidence and perfect their technique while our least experienced dancers get inspired by the more advanced dancers. Once you are enrolled with us, and we know your child, we are more than happy to help you select the right class for your dancer, just email us.

Level I Dance Classes 

Our Level I Dance Program is for dancers ages 7+  who are ready to focus and work hard to become the best dancer they can be! Our recreational dance classes are for children who desire more imaginative play based classes over focused hard work. Our Level I classes are for young dancers who are excited about progressing and learning new skills while understanding the importance of repition. Our Level I dancers are required to take Ballet I & Tap I and must take a minimum of two classes a week. Level I Dancers can add Jazz, Acro Dance, or Musical Theater.  The more classes your dancer takes, the faster they'll progress improving their confidence. Taking more classes also helps to foster relationships among dance peers. The more classes you take the bigger discount on each class too! We encourage our Level I dancers to dance year round. A dancer looking to be promoted in the Fall MUST dance in the summer. If all their peers take classes all summer - dancing, learning new skills, practicing memorizing choreography, becoming stronger and more flexiblie, and they return after a summer off- they will be behind. We will patiently catch dancers back up, but those serious about progress need to keep dancing.

Level II Dance Classes - 

Our Level II Dance Program is for dancers ages 9+ who have a minimum of three years dance experience. All Level II dancers must be enrolled in Ballet II and Technique class. All Level II dancers must dance a minimum of two days a week, three days is preferred.  Level II dancers are highly encouraged to dance year round. A dancer must audition or be invited to join our Level II classes.  Please email if your dancer would like to join our Level II dance program. We'd love to set up an informal audition for your dancer.

Level III Dance Classes -

Our Level III Dance Program is for dancers ages 11+ with a minimum of four years of dance experience. All Level III dancers must take Ballet III and Technique. These advanced Dancers must dance a minimum of three days a week, four is preferred. These dancers are required to dance year round and attend workshops during our holiday breaks. This Level of dance requires intense physical and mental training and a high level of commitment. As dancer's age and begin dancing several days a week and multiple classes each day, we understand that during intense academic times, a dancer may miss classes because their academics are also becoming more demanding. Regular attendence is a must, but we also understand the need to take and evening off every now and then. A dancer must audition or be invited to join our Level III program. Email us if your dancer would like to join our Level III dance program.

Level IV Dance Classes

Our Level IV Dance Program is for comitted dancers ages 15+ These dancers are City Park Movement and Art's company dancers. These dancers should dance a minimum of four days a week. Level IV dancers must all take Ballet IV, Technique, and Conditioning.

Musical Theater

Acting, Singing, and Dancing too! Who doesn't LOVE musical theater?! Come sharpen your theater skills or get your first taste of theater with us. Whether you are a 6 year old that loves singing in the car, a 9 year old who was once in a school play, or a 17 year old seeking out at Performance Arts college for next year, we have a spot for you!

Our musical theater program welcomes ages 5 - 21 year olds of all levels and abilities. Students have the option to audition to be the star of the show or choose to join the ensemble. We welcome our older experienced students to begin learning the art of co-directing, choreography, set design, backstage managing and more! There is a spot for everyone in musical theater. Everyone who registers will get a role in a show! We do hold auditions for certain roles, but everyone will get a role and those more interested in set design and backstage managment can let us know that too! Our musical theater participants have the option to perform in three different musicals a year: fall, spring, and summer. Musical theater students are encouraged to take dance and voice classes too! If your child is loving Musical Theater, set them up for success by getting them trained in both voice and dnace. This is so important! Musical Theater = Acting, Singing, & Dancing. Those who don't dance or get voice training will not progress in Musical Theater. We don't require Musical Thater students to take dance or voice but we do strongly encourage it!

Our Musical Theater Classes are leveled by age and experience. All Musical Theater students who would like a character role will need basic reading skills. All students involved in musical theater need to make rehearsals a priority, especially if an actor auditions for and is cast in a lead role. The commitment level for musical theater goes up as students age and progress. Our 5 - 8 year old group will be required to listen to music at home and and read through their script with someone who can help them understand the importance of their role. Our 7 - 12 year old group will all need to learn lyrics and lines outside of rehearsal time. Our 11+ theater troupe will be expected to work outside of class quite a bit and come prepared just as a professional would. At this level, actors are treated as professionals and expected to act as such. 

All Musical Theater Students will be responsilbe for printing out their own script and providing their own costumes with design help from their directors.


Student Needs & Dress Codes


Recreational Dance Students

Ballet & Tap Combo Class- Dance attire of any style or color. Ballet slippers and Tap shoes. Pink slippers for girls and black slippers for boys. Black tap shoes for everyone. Please make sure that dancers can change their shoes themselves without any help. If they can't yet do this, they may not be ready for dance class. To help young dancers feel grown up and independent opt for shoes with velcro buckles or replace laces or complicated buckles with an elastic tie turning the shoe into a slip on. Dance shoes should be labled and kept in a bag that dancers recognize as their own.

Acro Dance Class, 6+ years - Attire dancers can move freely in. This may be dance attire or leggings and a tank top. This class will be done barefoot.

Jazz Dance Class 6+ years - Dance attire of any style or color and Black jazz shoes.

Acro & Jazz Combo Class 4+ years - Dance attire of any style or color and barefeet.

Level I Dance Students

Ballet & Tap I - Black leotard, black ballet skirt, pink ballet tights, and pink ballet slippers for girls. Black dance tights, black or white dance shirt, and black ballet shoes for male dancers. If it is over 85 degrees outsdie, dancers do not have to wear tights. They can wear black or pink dance shorts instead.

Jazz Class - Dance Attire of any style or color and black jazz shoes. No Tshirts or running shorts. 

Acro Dance class - Dance Attire of any style or color and barefeet.

Level II Dance Students -

Ballet II - Black leotard, black ballet skirt, pink or black ballet tights, and pink ballet slippers for girls. Black dance tights, black or white dance shirt, and black ballet shoes for male dancers. 

Jazz Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Black Jazz shoes. No Tshirts or running short. Dance attire required!

Tap Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Black Tap Shoes. At this level tap dancers need split sole tap shoes that can bend with the foot. These shoes are lace up or slip on. Mary Jane style patent leather shoes are not appropriate for this level of tap.

Contemporary/Lyrical Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Pants or tights recomended for floor work. Nude color contemporary shoes (example: Capezio Pirouette) or dance socks (example Bloch sox). Dancers can select which they prefer. When we select costumes we'll select shoes as well.

Technique Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Either jazz or contemporary shoes or dance socks. 

Acro Dance - Dance attire of any or color and jazz or contemporary shoes.

Hip Hop - Any style dance clothes, T shirts, sweatpants, etc. If wearing tennis shoes they must have black soles.

Level III Dance Students

Ballet III - Leotard, tights, and optional ballet skirt of any color - no shorts. Pink Ballet slippers and Pointe shoes. If a dancer continually breaks dress code, they may be asked to sit and watch class until they are back in dress code. 

Jazz Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Black Jazz shoes.

Tap Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Black Tap Shoes. At this level tap dancers need split sole tap shoes that can bend witht the foot. These shoes are lace up or slip on. Mary Jane style patent leather shoes are not appropriate for this level of tap.

Contemporary/Lyrical Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Pants or tights recomended for floor work. Nude color contemporary shoes (example: Capezio Pirouette) or dance socks (example Block sox)

Technique Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Either jazz or contemporary shoes or dance socks. 

Acro Dance - Dance attire of any or color. Contemporary shoe or dance sock. Pants or tights are recomended for floor work.

Hip Hop /Jazz Funk- Any style dance clothes, T shirts, sweatpants, etc. If wearing tennis shoes they must have black soles.

Level IV Dance Students

Ballet III - Leotard, tights, and optional ballet skirt of any color - no shorts. Pink Ballet slippers and Pointe shoes. If a dancer continually breaks dress code, they may be asked to sit and watch class until they are back in dress code. 

Jazz Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Black Jazz shoes.

Tap Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Black Tap Shoes. At this level tap dancers need split sole tap shoes that can bend witht the foot. These shoes are lace up or slip on. Mary Jane style patent leather shoes are not appropriate for this level of tap.

Contemporary/Lyrical Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Pants or tights recomended for floor work. Nude color contemporary shoes (example: Capezio Pirouette) or dance socks (example Block sox)

Technique Class - Dance attire of any style or color. Either jazz or contemporary shoes or dance socks. 

Acro Dance - Dance attire of any or color. Contemporary shoe or dance sock. Pants or tights are recomended for floor work.

Hip Hop /Jazz Funk- Any style dance clothes, T shirts, sweatpants, etc. If wearing tennis shoes they must have black soles.

Musical Theater & Voice Class - 

Musical Theater students will need a folder or binder to put sheet music and/or scripts into. All students will be responible for printing their own scripts. Students ages 7+ will also need a writing ustensil to take notes.

Little Mermaid - Students should be dressed in clothes they can move freely in. Dance attire, Leggings, Tank Tops, etc. No jeans or clothes that fall over the head when going upside down. All students must have their hair pulled back neatly away from their face.

Lion King - All students should be in graphic free athletic attire. All students must have their hair pulled back away from their face. 





Covid 19
General Class Information
Program Details
Student Needs
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